Sunday, June 05, 2016

Satan: Fell through Pride or through disobedience?

We know Satan always tempts man to do evil.But do you know he fell through Pride or through disobedience? To find its answer, we have to go back to the initial stage of creation Human.

When God intend to create human, He created a mass of earth, and then left it for twenty-five thousand years without doing aught else; Satan, who was as it were priest and head of the angels, by the great understanding that he possessed, knew that God of that mass of earth was to take one hundred and forty four thousand signed with the mark of prophecy, and the soul of His Habib, the seal of His Messengers, had created sixty thousand years before aught else;.Therefore, being indignant, he instigated the angels, saying: "Look you, one day God shall will that this earth be revered by us. Wherefore consider that we are spirit, and therefore it is not fitting so to do."

Many therefore forsook God.

Whereupon said God, one day when all the angels were assembled: "Let each one that holds me for his lord straightway do reverence to this earth."
They that loved God bowed themselves, but Satan, with them that were of his mind, said: "O Lord, we are spirit, and therefore it is not just that we should do reverence to this clay;."

Having said this, Satan became horrid and of fearsome look, and his followers became hideous; because for their rebellion God took away from them the beauty wherewith he had endued them in creating them. Whereat the holy angels, when, lifting their heads, they saw how terrible a monster Satan;had become, and his followers, cast down their face to earth in fear.

Then said Satan: "O Lord, you have unjustly made me hideous, but I am content there at, because I desire to annul all that you shall do.’
And the other devils said: "Calf him not Lord, O Lucifer;, for you are Lord."
Then said God to the followers of Satan: "Repent you, and recognize me as God, your creator."
They answered: "We repent of having done you any reverence, for that you are not just; but Satan is just.’ 
Then said God: "Depart from me, O you cursed, for I have no mercy on you."

And in his departing Satan spat up that mass of earth, and that spittle the angel Gabriel lifted up with some earth, so that therefore now man has the navel in his belly." 

He who makes not prayer is more wicked than Satan, and shall suffer greater torments. Because Satan had, before his fall, no example of fearing, nor did God so much as send him any prophet to invite him to repentance: but man now that all the prophets already come even the Messiah, the seal of the prophets, because so God wills. Jesus prepare his way and albeit he had infinite examples of the justice of God, lived carelessly without any fear, as though there were no God. Even as of such spoke the prophet David; "The fool has said in his heart, there is no God. Therefore, are they corrupt and become abominable, without one of them doing good."

Now we will see how man sinned through pride? Again we have to back to the story of creation. When God has expelled Satan, and the angel Gabriel had purified that mass of earth whereon Satan spat, God created everything that lives, both of the animals that fly and of them that walk and swim, and he adorned the world with all that it has.

One day Satan approached to the gates of paradise, and, seeing the horses eating grass, he announced to them that if that mass of earth should receive a soul there would be for them grievous labour; and that therefore it would be to their advantage to trample that piece of earth in such wise that it should be no more good for anything.

The horses aroused themselves and impetuously set themselves to run over that piece of earth which lay among lilies and roses;. Whereupon God gave spirit to that unclean portion of earth upon which lay the spittle of Satan, which Gabriel had taken up from the mass; and raised up the dog, who, barking, filled the horses with fear, and they fled.

Then God gave his soul to man, while all the holy angels sang: "Blessed be your holy name, O God our Lord."
"Adam, having sprung upon his feet, saw in the air a writing that shone like the sun;, which said: "There is only one God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God."

Whereupon Adam opened his mouth and said: "I thank you, O Lord my God, that you have deigned to create me; but tell me. I pray you, what means the message of these words: "Muhammad is Messenger of God. Have there been other men before me?"

'Then said God: "Be you welcome, O my servant Adam. I tell you that you are the first man whom I have created. And he whom you have seen [mentioned] is your son, who shall come into the world many years hence, and shall be my Messenger, for whom I have created all things; who shall give light to the world when he shall come; whose soul was set in a celestial splendour;sixty thousand years before I made any. thing."

Adam besought God, saying: "Lord, grant me this writing upon the nails of the fingers of my hands."
Then God gave to the first man upon his thumbs that writing; upon the thumb-nail of the right hand it said: "There is only one God;," and upon the thumb-nail of the left it said: "Muhammad is Messenger ;of God." Then with fatherly affection Adam, the first man kissed those words, and rubbed his eyes, and said: "Blessed be that day when you shall come to the world."

Seeing the man alone, God said: "It is not well that he should remain alone."
Wherefore he made him to sleep, and took a rib from near his heart, filling the place with flesh. Of that rib made he Eve, and gave her to Adam for his wife.

He set the twain of them as lords of Paradise, to whom he said: "Behold I give to you every fruit to eat, except the apples and the corn" whereof he said: "Beware that in no wise you eat of these fruits, for you shall become unclean, insomuch that I shall not suffer. You to remain here, but shall drive you forth, and you shall suffer great miseries." 

When Satan had knowledge of this he became mad with indignation, and so he drew near to the gate of paradise where a horrid serpent with legs like a camel, and nails on his feet [that] cut like a razor on every side, stood on guard. The enemy said to him: 'Let me to enter into paradise.'

The serpent answered: 'How shall I let you enter [since] God has commanded me to cast you out?'
Satan answered: 'You see how much God loves you; he has set you outside of paradise to keep guard over a lump of clay, which is man! If you bring me into paradise I will make you so terrible that every one shall flee you, and so you shall go and stay at your pleasure.'
Then the serpent said: 'And how shall I set you within [paradise]?'

Satan said, 'You are great: therefore, open your mouth, and I will enter into your belly, and so [when] you enter into paradise [you] shall place me near to those two lumps of clay that are newly walking upon the earth.'

Then the serpent did so, and placed Satan near Eve, for Adam, her husband, was sleeping. Satan presented himself before the woman like a beauteous angel, and said to her: 'Why do you not eat of those apples and corn?'

Eve answered: 'Our God has said to us that [if we] eat [them] we shall be unclean, and he will drive us from paradise.'
Satan answered: 'He does not speak the truth! You must know that God is wicked and envious, and suffers no equals, but keeps every one as a slave. [This is] why he has said this [to you]; in order that you may not become equal to him. But if you and your companion do according to my counsel, you shall eat of those fruits as [you eat] of the other [fruits], and you shall not remain subject to others but like God you shall know good and evil, and you shall do whatever you please, because you shall be equal to God.'

Then Eve took and ate of those [fruits], and when her husband awoke she told [him everything] that Satan had said; and he took and ate the fruit [when] his wife offered them to him. But, as the food was going down, he remembered the words of God, and, wishing to stop the food, he put his hand into his throat, where every man has the mark

Then both of them knew that they were naked, and, being ashamed, they took fig leaves and made a clothing for their secret parts. When midday was passed, God appeared to them, and called Adam, saying: 'Adam, where are you?'

He answered: 'Lord, I hid myself from your presence because my wife and I are naked, and so we are ashamed to present ourselves before you.'
Then God said: 'And who has robbed you of your innocence, unless you have eaten the fruit [that makes you] unclean, and will not be able to abide [any] longer in paradise?'

Adam answered: 'O Lord, the wife whom you have given me [urged] me to eat [it] and so I have eaten it.'
Then God said to the woman: 'Why did you give [this] food to your husband?'
Eve answered: 'Satan deceived me, and so I ate [the fruit].'
'And how did that reprobate enter into [the garden]?' said God.
Eve answered: 'A serpent that stands at the northern gate brought him near to me.'

Then God said to Adam: 'Because you have [listened to] your wife and have eaten the fruit, cursed be the earth in your works; it shall bring forth brambles and thorns for you, and you shall eat bread by the sweat of your face. Remember that you are earth, and to earth you return.'

And he spoke to Eve, saying: 'And you who did [listen] to Satan, and gave the food to your husband, shall abide under the dominion of man, who shall keep you as a slave, and you shall bear children with travail.'

And having called the serpent, God called the angel Michael, who holds the sword of God, [and] said: 'First drive this wicked serpent forth from paradise, and when outside cut off his legs: for if he wants to walk, he must trail his body upon the earth.'

Afterwards God called Satan, who came laughing, and he said to him: 'Because you, reprobate, have deceived [Adam and Eve] and have made them unclean, I will that every uncleanness [from] them and [from] all their children - [of which] they shall be truly penitent and shall serve me - in going forth from their body shall enter through your mouth, and so shall you be satiated with uncleanness.'

Satan then gave a horrible roar, and said: 'Since you will to make me [continually] worse, I will make me that which I shall be able!'
Then said God: 'Depart, cursed one, from my presence!'
Then Satan departed, and God said to Adam [and] Eve, who were both weeping: 'Go forth from paradise, and do penance, and do not let your hope fail, for I will send your son so that your seed shall lift the dominion of Satan from off the human race: for I will give all things to he who shall come, my Messenger.'

God hid himself [from Adam and Eve], and the angel Michael drove them forth from paradise. Then, Adam, turning around, saw written above the gate, There is only one God, and Muhammad is Messenger of God. Weeping, he said: 'May it be pleasing to God, O my son, that you come quickly and draw us out of misery.'

And this is the story of Satan, who fell through pride  by despising man.

The End.
Not Yet Verified.
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