Dhaka, 15 Dec. 2016
It is said in the Torah- "God said further to Abraham, "Now as for you, you shall keep My covenant, you and your descendants after you throughout their generations. This is My covenant, which you shall keep, between Me and you and your descendants after you: every male among you shall be circumcised. And you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin, and it shall be the sign of the covenant between Me and you. And every male among you who is eight days old shall be circumcised throughout your generations, a servant who is born in the house or who is bought with money from any foreigner, who is not of your descendants. A servant who is born in your house or who is bought with your money shall surely be circumcised; thus shall My covenant be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant. But an uncircumcised male who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, that person shall be cut off from his people; he has broken My covenant."- [Genesis 17:9-14]
The above means that the cutting away of the flesh represented the separation of that person from the sinful, fleshly world and entry into a particular– separate and sanctified group. And to refuse circumcision for oneself or one's family was to refuse all of these things and literally be cut off from the promises of God.
"But all this is for male circumcision and the article is for female."
Yes, but there is nothing about female circumcision in any scriptures.
"Then why a female circumcision article?"
Because it's a ritual practice of some people that is rooted from a long time ago, and we find that is documented too. So we need to know the truth, the valid reason behind this practice which is barbaric in the eyes of Westerners. Thus we start with the information that we have in the scriptures. Starts with one [male circumcision] to reach a conclusion for another [female circumcision].
"I see! Ok, go on."
The origin of female circumcision practices is unknown. Some author references its existence in the Nile valley since the time of the ancient civilization of Egypt and Sudan [Assaad 1980] though it is not supported by any mummy studies, and only existed in the documents. Sanderson [1981:27], cites a statement from Herodotus that Egyptians, Phoenicians, Hittites, and Ethiopians practiced female excision 500 yrs before the birth of Christ.
According to Pharaonic belief male circumcision and female clitoridectomy and labia removal are needed for one to become fully a man or fully a woman. -[Assaad 1980:4] According to Robert Briffault [a French anthropologist], both male circumcision and before it female circumcision have been an ancient custom among Semitic peoples from very early times -[Briffault 3/323], however, Jewish circumcision did not assume its present form until as late as the Maccabees (165 BC). Previous to that time it was so minor that "the jibes of the Gentile women could be evaded, little trace of the operation being perceptible" -[Briffault 3/331]. But some authors claim that Jewish women were circumcised till the days of Rabbi Gershom [AD 1000] who denounced it as a scandal to the Gentiles.
The above means that the cutting away of the flesh represented the separation of that person from the sinful, fleshly world and entry into a particular– separate and sanctified group. And to refuse circumcision for oneself or one's family was to refuse all of these things and literally be cut off from the promises of God.
"But all this is for male circumcision and the article is for female."
Yes, but there is nothing about female circumcision in any scriptures.
"Then why a female circumcision article?"
Because it's a ritual practice of some people that is rooted from a long time ago, and we find that is documented too. So we need to know the truth, the valid reason behind this practice which is barbaric in the eyes of Westerners. Thus we start with the information that we have in the scriptures. Starts with one [male circumcision] to reach a conclusion for another [female circumcision].
"I see! Ok, go on."
The origin of female circumcision practices is unknown. Some author references its existence in the Nile valley since the time of the ancient civilization of Egypt and Sudan [Assaad 1980] though it is not supported by any mummy studies, and only existed in the documents. Sanderson [1981:27], cites a statement from Herodotus that Egyptians, Phoenicians, Hittites, and Ethiopians practiced female excision 500 yrs before the birth of Christ.
According to Pharaonic belief male circumcision and female clitoridectomy and labia removal are needed for one to become fully a man or fully a woman. -[Assaad 1980:4] According to Robert Briffault [a French anthropologist], both male circumcision and before it female circumcision have been an ancient custom among Semitic peoples from very early times -[Briffault 3/323], however, Jewish circumcision did not assume its present form until as late as the Maccabees (165 BC). Previous to that time it was so minor that "the jibes of the Gentile women could be evaded, little trace of the operation being perceptible" -[Briffault 3/331]. But some authors claim that Jewish women were circumcised till the days of Rabbi Gershom [AD 1000] who denounced it as a scandal to the Gentiles.
Strabo claimed that "the Egyptians circumcised their boys and girls as do the Jews". The Virgin Mary was likewise said to have been circumcised. -(Briffault 3/324)
"That means it was a running practice among the Jews?"
Yes, and Hagar is the first one [among the women] as per the document. So we need to inquire details of that Hagarian incident.
According to some classical Muslim authors, Sarah, the mother of the believers, plagued by her jealousy of her maid Hagar, swore that she would mutilate Hagar. Abraham protested. Sarah answered that she would not be made a liar. Abraham told her to be patient. But she said, "I will cut off her nose! I will cut off her ear! That will disfigure her!" Then she said, "No, but I will humble her through circumcision [kha-f-d]."
Abraham then indicated to Sarah that she could circumcise Hagar.
"That means it was a running practice among the Jews?"
Yes, and Hagar is the first one [among the women] as per the document. So we need to inquire details of that Hagarian incident.
According to some classical Muslim authors, Sarah, the mother of the believers, plagued by her jealousy of her maid Hagar, swore that she would mutilate Hagar. Abraham protested. Sarah answered that she would not be made a liar. Abraham told her to be patient. But she said, "I will cut off her nose! I will cut off her ear! That will disfigure her!" Then she said, "No, but I will humble her through circumcision [kha-f-d]."
Abraham then indicated to Sarah that she could circumcise Hagar.
"And one day, while Hagar was milking a cow Sarah came and tried to cut off her nose and ears and Hagar cried for help..... Sarah pierced her two ears to cause her disgrace and circumcision Hagar." -[Qisas al-Anbiya, p-118]
"Is it? Then?"
According to the source, when Sarah did that, Hagar then took the edge of her dress [dhayl] to wipe off the blood. That is why women are circumcised and take up the ends of their dresses [to this day].
"One woman's quarrel, which finished with the circumcision of poor Hagar? Fuck!.... but why Abraham indicated to Sarah that she could circumcise her maid?"
"So that female circumcision becomes a tradition amongst women."- al-Jahiz, quoted this, said, "Male and female circumcision has been practiced by Arabs since the time of Abraham and Hagar until today." Islamic tradition also says it was practiced by Sarah on Hagar and that afterward both Sarah and Abraham circumcised themselves by order of God. However, Jewish and Christian Sacred books- pictured this rite as Sarah's Cruelty to her maid Hagar.
"Then why are Muslim authors silent about female circumcision?"
Because they thought the Hagar-Sarah incident can no longer be invoked as a valid motive for generalizing "Sarah's Vendetta" against all Muslim women. And you know, cutting off a healthy organ or inflicting suffering on a person is not permitted in Islamic law.
"Then why are Muslim authors silent about female circumcision?"
Because they thought the Hagar-Sarah incident can no longer be invoked as a valid motive for generalizing "Sarah's Vendetta" against all Muslim women. And you know, cutting off a healthy organ or inflicting suffering on a person is not permitted in Islamic law.
It is notable that the Harranians were not circumcised. This casts doubt on Abraham's circumcision as an invention of post-exilic Jewish writers, although it may be considered a sin offering for male fertility to the phallic god: Snaith (81) comments- "There is no reference to circumcision in the earlier laws and the rite is nowhere enjoined before the Priestly Code as having any particular significance."
In Joshua 5:2, ['second circumcision rite'] says "At that time the LORD said unto Joshua, Make thee sharp knives, and circumcise again the children of Israel the second time. And Joshua made him sharp knives and circumcised the children of Israel at the hill of the foreskins. ... Now all the people that came out were circumcised: but all the people that were born in the wilderness by the way as they came forth out of Egypt, them they had not circumcised. ... And it came to pass when they had done circumcising all the people, that they abode in their places in the camp, till they were whole. And the LORD said unto Joshua, This day have I rolled away the reproach of Egypt from off you. Wherefore the name of the place is called Gilgal unto this day".
The practice of circumcision often refers to purification, Purification from "Original Sin" resulting from the fall of man, stemming from Adam and Eve's fall by Satan's influence in Eden. A common Arabic term for purification has the root t-h-r, used for male and Female Circumcision (Tahur and Tahura). It is also known in Arabic as khafḍ or khifaḍ. In the Bambara language, spoken mostly in Mali, it is known as Bolokoli ("washing your hands") and in the Igbo language in eastern Nigeria as "Isa Aru" or Iwu Aru ["having your bath," as in "a young woman must 'have her bath' before she has a baby"]
The circumcision for women is not very pleasant or healthy. Some modern people consider this practice as- barbaric and brutal. So they rename this practice as FGM [female genital mutilation]. Thus when they hear about this, some are shocked or surprised to know that this traditional practice still cultivating in some societies to this day. Some became thoughtful solving- "Reasons" or some asked in an innocent style- "Why do they do that?"
"This is funny. Hahaha...how do they explain this "Reasons"?"
Yeah, peoples are funny so their explanations also entertaining. Look, at how people explain the circumcision of Jewish and Muslim especially, Abraham's circumcision in his old age.
Some were surprised when they heard Abraham's circumcision, they surprised because they thought circumcision means cutting the penis. So they asked, "Why did he do that? Did he want to anger his wife?"
Others explain this event as "Imagine old Abraham sitting under his tent. He was bored. He had nothing to do. In Arabic, we say that a person who does not have too much to do "plays with his testicles [his penis]." And while playing with his penis, Abraham accidentally cut it. Instead of saying- poor old Abraham became senile, his tribe pretended that he received an order from God to do it. Then the tribe performed this mutilation on all the males."
Another explains- "Jewish people do it because Abraham and Moses were circumcised." He said, "Abraham had a very tight foreskin and so couldn’t have children till he was old. A stranger (later identified as God because of the help rendered), advised him to have a circumcision. And the Result was 8 children! Hence he ordered all males in his camp to circumcise to release their fertility- "What’s good for the goose is good for the gander!"
Later Moses raised as an Egyptian prince, resurrected the practice because he was circumcised like all Egyptian royals. He had all the men who followed him in the desert circumcised so they could be ‘like him’. Jews follow this practice to date. Half or full circumcision - it all depends on your interpretation of the scriptures.
Muhammad borrowed some rituals and traditions from the Jewish and circumcision was one of them. He made up a huge number of stories and spurious reasons to justify this that are not in any Jewish scriptures (eg circumcision of Adam). But," he explains, "Tribes (African or otherwise) do it for various reasons -
- To look virile (exposed light-colored glans against dark crotch)
- To ‘look fierce’ (?) and ready for doing his Jobs [sex] at all times.
- To show they can take the pain of being cut.
- Some claim hygiene, though how they can say this for people who walk barefoot in dust and dirt and handle animals all the time is beyond comprehension. And cleaning a penis is better than cutting off the skin that protects the glands from the external environment.
- Some claim fidelity - though that is laughable in the face of multiple wives and extramarital affairs that are known to happen in these cultures."
And, another explains- "Jews circumcise their children because they are commanded to in the Torah, it is a covenant to be part of the Jewish people."
He said, "There was a story told over about a famous Jewish Rabbi, Akiva [1st century CE]. and an Emperor of Rome. The Emperor asked the Rabbi- 'Who’s work is greater; G-d’s or man’s?' -[Midrash Tanchuma, Tazria, 5] -this clearly expecting G-d to be the answer. He was already prove to them that the Jews were wrong in keeping the commandment of circumcision since man is changing G-d’s world.
But the Rabbi answered: Man has greater works.
Stumped the Emperor asked- Why?
The Rabbi answered as most Jews do with a question: “What would you rather eat wheat or bread?”
And he concluded, "G-d put men into the world to take the incredible bounty, beauty, and building blocks; and commanded man to make a better world for all of the men. Part of this was to make this covenant the Circumcision to make man better."
And, another explains- "Circumcision has its own perspectives such as-
a. Religious Perspective: In Islam and Judaism it is compulsory to have circumcision the person with the uncircumcised male part cannot offer Salah or (prayer).
b. Logical Perspective: When a man goes for nature's call an Uncircumcised male part though with all efforts of the man some urine will remain in the flesh of the upper part and it spoils the pants or underpants of a person but in the case of a circumcised male part one is left without this type of problem person clothes remains clean without urine drops in the clothes.
c. Scientific/Medical Perspective: Among the most intriguing benefits of circumcision is the finding that circumcised men are less likely to contract HIV, the virus that causes AIDS".
Some People describe the disadvantages of Circumcision saying- "Some dissatisfied circumcised men report wide-ranging physical, sexual, and psychological consequences, partly because they are aware that the foreskin has significant physiological and sexual functions. Circumcised men have reported decreased sexual sensitivity and even erectile dysfunction.
Some mothers have revealed great distress about permitting and watching the circumcision of their sons and have regretted their decision for years. “I will go to my grave hearing that horrible wail,” one mother comments.
While questioning, those circumcised feel uncomfortable, they continue intellectual, emotional, and ethical conflicts about circumcision which also make us uncomfortable. But, it’s time to talk about it. What the other says all are myths. Actually-
- There is no medical reason for "routine" circumcision of babies.
- Times and attitudes have changed.
- The foreskin provides protection and sexual pleasure.
- Caring for and cleaning the foreskin is easy.
- Circumcision is permanent, and your son might not appreciate it.
- Circumcision is painful, and there are risks to the surgery.
- Circumcision does not prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs) or other diseases.
- Circumcising baby boys is a safe and harmless procedure.
- Circumcision is just a little snip.
- Circumcision is routinely recommended and endorsed by doctors and other health professionals.
- The baby does not feel any pain during circumcision.
- If I don't circumcise my son, he will be ridiculed.
- A boy should be circumcised to look like his father.
- Routine circumcision of baby boys cannot be compared to Female Genital Mutilation.
- To oppose male circumcision is religious and cultural bigotry.
- Circumcising newborn baby boys produces health benefits later in life.
- Male circumcision helps prevent HIV.
"So it's a question, what is the actual cause of the origin of circumcision?"
All we know is that Adam, the first man, eat the fruit forbidden by God in paradise, his flesh rebelled against the spirit; whereupon he swore, saying: "By God, I will cut thee!"
And having broken a piece of rock, he seized his flesh to cut it with the sharp edge of the stone: whereupon he was rebuked by the angel Gabriel. And he answered: "I have sworn by God to cut it; I will never be a liar!"
'Then the angel showed him the superfluity of his flesh, and that he cut off. And hence, just as every man taketh flesh from the flesh of Adam, so is he bound to observe all that Adam promised with an oath. This did Adam observe in his sons, and from generation to generation came down the "Obligation of Circumcision".
"What about Eve, did she perform this circumcision?"
Was she under an oath, or, descended from Adam?
So logically it was not obligatory for her to be circumcised.
"I see!!!"
However, from the above, it is clear that men are obliged to be circumcised but nothing tells about women. Even it is told here that Adam observes it in his sons, and from generation to generation came down the obligation of circumcision but nowhere mention of women. Sometimes it happened considering the logic that as women are under the control of men, they need not be mentioned separately. And we conclude here with another logic "As men and women both taketh flesh from the flesh of Adam, both of them bound to observe all that Adam promised with an oath".
Yet there are some different meanings and motivations for Female Circumcision. Actually, circumcision for women describes as an ‘entrenched’ and ‘deeply-rooted’ tradition, practiced from the ancient periods in parts of the World. Much of the existing literature conveniently overlooks the dynamic cultural, political, and historical contexts of the various types of Circumcision performed by different religions in widely varying contexts.
i). In some African cultures, it has some aesthetic values. They believe that by cutting off ‘male’ parts, one becomes fully female and feminine, making her smooth and beautiful.
ii). To some- it is symbolically vital for social consequences for marriageability.
iii). And to some- It is a tradition to infibulate their female, considering that it establishes both a girl’s reputation for morality and the family’s honor in protecting her morality. [The term infibulation derives from the fibula, Latin for clasp; the Ancient Romans reportedly fastened clasps through the foreskins or labia of slaves to prevent sexual intercourse. The surgical infibulation of women came to be known as Pharaonic Circumcision in Sudan but as Sudanese circumcision in Egypt. In Somalia, it is known simply as Qodob ie. "to sew up"].
iv). And to some- Infibulation has symbolic values, such as the ‘Enclosure’ of the body, to be ready for future socially-approved reproduction.
v). And to some- Parents circumcised their females to deprive them of their sexuality, so that they may able to keep themselves apart from the illegal sexual relationship which makes a soul unclean and is a great Sin in the Eyes of God.
vi). Some of them explain- "Women circumcise only the part that produces pungent odor". Others added to this, "Which attract Jinns, and ...they make them horny, ...and influenced them for a perversion, ...and when Jinns shall live with someone for a long time, she becomes abnormal."
vii). Some try to justify this, saying- We do it for the sake of our child so that they may not perish eternally, and they may have a chance to enter into Paradise. You know, it is said in the Holy Scripture [Gospel of Barnabas] that an uncircumcised shall never enter into Paradise.
viii). Some traditional rural midwives consider that narrowing of the opening with infibulation and re-infibulation after childbirth will make it more pleasurable for her husband. And you know, the position of the husband to a woman! He is like gods [to Hindu women] or next to God [to Muslim women].
ix). Femininity ideals are reinforced by aesthetic values- such as it eliminating masculine parts and achieving smoothness and beauty. And the image of physical beauty and sensuality is valued much socially.
The interaction between the practitioner [raw fundamentalist] and the opposer of female circumcision is more exciting and hugely entertaining. We giving you a sample for your refreshment to this boring article:
i). Those who oppose, say- ‘Do you know why they circumcised their women? Basically, it is due to male dominance. They dominate their female.'
And, those practices, reply- "The rite is the proper complement of male circumcision, evening the sensitiveness of the genitories by reducing it equally in both sexes, then why are they arguing? Actually, they argue, we think it is only because they consider women as F..king Machines and they want this machine available in the market so that they may enjoy them nearly free of cost as and when needed basis. Actually, they want to make our society rotten with polygamy as that of theirs."
ii). Those who oppose, say- "The fact is, those midwives are not doing it as a public service. They support these practices from the fear of losing their economic benefits. Generally, they benefited, sometimes with fees or gifts [such as soap or scents and a share of the meat from the animal sacrificed for the feast, as well as other foods.] from each operation". And most of all they bear their own opinion as- "One should lynch the fathers who were opposed to the circumcision of their daughters, because those fathers were in fact willing to see their girls become whores." -Can you imagine!!"
And, those practices, replies, "They do not demand a fee for the operation as that of a doctor of this day. They only received what you give them thankfully. And for the case of imagination- you better imagine that your 9yr old teen daughter gets pregnant, or, your beloved wife red-handed with your driver in your bed."
iii). Those who oppose, say, "Psychological studies clarify how the pain and fear associated with Circumcision affect women. You see, Laden, Taliban, and ISIS all are the products of their Women."
And, those practices, replies, "Then how do they explain the birth of Hitler, who killed 30 million Jews, or, Jesuits, who killed 13 million in Europe only? Or, the Burmese Buddhist Monk those still learning- "Killing a living being is the Greatest Sin", yet chopping Rohingya women and babies, or, burning them in their sleeping and in a broad daylight- publicly?
And, for Laden, evil ISIS, we have a question, tell us- How are they born? Who nurtured their homeland with bombs and sophisticated weapons to fertile their land with their child's blood to grow plenty of ISIS?
iv). Those who oppose, say, "The world wonders how loving parents can allow their daughters to be held down and cut, usually causing fear, pain, and possible major damage to health and physical functions. It seems incongruous and shocking to imagine a six-year-old girl enduring such pain and indignity, particularly at the hands of those she trusts. Yet an estimated 2 million girls experience some form of this harmful practice each year."
And, those practices, replies as that of the opposer, "The world wonders how the parents allow them not to circumcise their beloved daughters fearing a little pain of few days, which surely be the cause of eternal burning of severe pain of the Hellfire. It seems incongruous and shocking to imagine their beloved kid enduring burning pain and indignity, particularly for the cause of those she trusts. Yet an estimated more than 2 million girls out of this simple practice of greatest eternal benefits each year."
v). Social workers, the Western feminist group often responded with outrage- labeled the tradition as ‘Barbaric Customs’ or a ‘Trivialization of Culture’ of ‘Reasons’.
And, those practices, replied them, "Who is labeling this culture as barbaric? Western feminists, those who are enjoying "Sexual Liberty"? Whore and ethics?!? Oh no!! Man, we do not want to learn "Ethics" from some "Whore" women to make our society like theirs.
And, surely, we are the witness of the "Final Products" from the so-called humanitarian field of the West, are not they "Licensed Homo, Licensed Lesbians and Licensed Sodomite"? When those perverted acts are considered as the "Greatest Crime" in the Eyes of God? The fact is that these acts labeled those horny people lower than the animal grade. Why are they unable to make sense that their "Perverted Acts" shall influence them, those are HUMAN, to throw stones at them as we often do to the street dogs? The truth is- all the "Barbaric Customs" were legalized [by law] in this world by the Westerner first.
vi). Human rights groups often condemned those doing such practice that causes reforms of the child forms which are a violation of human rights to the bodily integrity of the minor child. Nevertheless, the plurality of the practices and their great variation in harm, meaning, and reasons, and in cultural roots.
And, those practices, replied to them, 'Is this make any sense? Do they not see that -"Human came from evolution [from monkey]" -advertising through books also makes them criminal according to their belief?
Importance of Circumcision:
In the time of Abraham, there were but few circumcised upon the earth because that idolatry was multiplied up the earth. Whereupon God told to Abraham the fact concerning circumcision, and made this covenant, saying: "The soul that shall not have his flesh circumcised, I will scatter him from among my people forever." -[see Genesis 17:14]
It means, a man that hath not circumcised his foreskin, shall be deprived of paradise, and it's a promise of God. So it becomes a tradition so that people never forget what the flesh is.
The Flesh and its Origin:
Spirit in many is ready in the service of God, but the flesh is weak. The man, therefore, that feareth God ought to consider what the flesh is, where it had its origin, and whereto it shall be reduced. Of the clay of the earth created God's flesh, and into it, He breathed the breath of life, with an in breathing therein. And therefore when the flesh shall hinder the service of God it ought to be spurned like clay and trampled on, forasmuch as he that hateth his soul in this world shall keep it in life eternal.
What the flesh is at this present its desires make manifest -that it is a harsh enemy of all good: for it alone desireth sin. 'Ought then, man for the sake of satisfying one of his enemies to leave off pleasing God, his creator? Consider this. All the saints and prophets have been enemies of their flesh for service of God: wherefore readily and with gladness, they went to their death, so as not to offend against the law of God given by Moses his servant, and go and serve the false and lying gods.
And when we remember Elijah, we find he fled through desert places of the mountains, eating only grass, clad in goats' skin. But do we ever consider, how many days he supped not? how much cold he endured? how many showers drenched him? And [that] for the space of seven years, wherein endured that fierce persecution of the unclean Jezebel?
And when we remember Elisha, we find he ate barley bread and wore the Coarsest raiment. Verily we can say that those who were not feared to spurn the flesh were feared with great terror by the king and princes. This should suffice for the spurning of the flesh, but if we will gaze at the sepulchers, we shall know what the flesh is.'
Who are servants to their flesh, they are sure not to have any good in the other life but only torments for their sins. To explain this, we have to tell a story-
There was a rich glutton who paid no heed to aught but gluttony, and so every day held a splendid feast. There stood at his gate a poor man by the name Lazarus, who was full of wounds and was fain to have those crumbs that fell from the glutton's table. But no one gave them to him; nay, all mocked him. Only the dogs had pity on him, for they licked his wounds.
It came to pass that the poor man died, and the angels carried him to the arms of Abraham our father. The rich man also died, and the devils carried him to the arms of Satan; whereupon, undergoing the greatest torment, he lifted up his eyes and from afar saw Lazarus in the arms of Abraham. Then cried the rich man: "O father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, who upon his fingers may bring me a drop of water to cool my tongue, which is tormented in this flame."
Abraham answered: "Son, remember that thou receivedst thy good in the other life and Lazarus his evil; wherefore now thou shalt be in torment, and Lazarus in consolation."
The rich man cried out again, saying: "O father Abraham, in my house there are three brethren of mine. Therefore send Lazarus to announce to them how much I am suffering, in order that they may repent and not come hither."
Abraham answered: "They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them."
The rich man answered: "Nay, Father Abraham; but if one dead shall arise they will believe."
Abraham answered: "Who so believeth not Moses and the prophets will not believe even the dead if they should arise."
Thus we see that the poor are blessed, have patience, and only desire what is necessary, hating the flesh. And wretched they, who bear others to the burial, to give their flesh for food of worms and do not learn the truth. So far from it that they live here like immortals, for they build great houses and purchase great revenues and live in pride.
Those Uncircumcised, are Unclean:
Uncircumcised being a blemish, circumcision was to remove it, and to render Abraham and his descendants "perfect". -(Ned. 31b; Gen. R. xlvi., after Gen. xvii. 1)
In the Book of Jubilee, it is said: "Whosoever is uncircumcised belongs to 'the sons of Belial,' to 'the children of doom and eternal perdition'; for all the angels of the Presence and of the Glorification have been so from the day of their creation, and God's anger will be kindled against the children of the covenant if they make the members of their body appear like those of the Gentiles, and they will be expelled and exterminated from the earth" -[The Book of Jubilees, lv.-lx. iii. 190-192]
Circumcision was an indispensable act of consecration and purification. It is said in the Holy Books -
1. Remember that which David said to Saul, king of Israel, against Goliath the Philistine.: "My lord," said David, "While thy servant was keeping thy servant's flock there came the wolf, the bear, and the lion and seized thy servant's sheep: whereupon thy servant went and slew them, rescuing the sheep. And what is this Uncircumcised one but like unto them? Therefore will thy servant go in the name of the Lord God of Israel, and will slay this unclean one that blasphemeth the holy people of God."
2. When Jesus was near the Capernaum city, he cured a sick man possessed of devil Jinns. Accordingly, the men of the city came forth and found Jesus and the man that was healed. The men were filled with fear and prayed to Jesus that he would depart out of their borders. Jesus accordingly departed from them and went up into the parts of Tyre and Sidon.
And lo! a Canaanite woman came forth to find Jesus. Having therefore seen him come with his disciples, she cried out: 'Jesus, son of David, have mercy on my daughter. she is tormented of the devil Jinns!’
Jesus did not answer her or even said a single word. The disciples were moved to pity, and said: 'O master, have pity on her! Behold how much she cries out and weeps!'
Jesus answered: 'I am not sent but unto the Sons of Israel.'
Then the woman fell upon his feet, weeping and saying: 'Have mercy on me!'
Jesus answered: 'It is not good to take the bread from the children's hands and give it to the dogs.'
The woman had only a daughter and she was ready to save her at any cost. So, she was not angry but answered: 'O Lord, the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table.'
Jesus seized with admiration and said to the woman: 'Great is thy faith.'
And he raised his hands towards heaven he prayed to God that He may give what the poor woman needed. Then he said to her: 'Go thy way in peace.'
The woman departed.
On her departing, the disciples questioned Jesus, saying: 'O master, why didst thou make such answer to the woman, saying that they were dogs? Is that because they were unclean as they belong to the uncircumcised people?”
Though Jesus [he did not answer, but not disagree. So it is true that uncircumcised peoples are unclean.] said, "Actually, a dog is better than an uncircumcised man." To explain this, 1st we consider, what the dog doth, that hath no reason, for the service of his master, ye will find its true. Tell me, doth the dog guard the house of his master, and expose his life against the robber? Yea, assuredly. But what receiveth he? Many blows and injuries with little bread and he always showeth to his master a joyful countenance. Is this not true?'
Now, consider how much God hath given to man, and ye shall see how unrighteous he is in not observing the covenant of God made with Abraham his servant. So, what do you think, is not a Dog better than an uncircumcised man?
The Hebrew people became widely known for their practice of circumcision. The physical procedure was eventually associated with both the idea of spiritual purity and national pride. Nations such as the Philistines, who were outside of the covenant relationship with God, were referred to as the “uncircumcised”.
Thus it is said- "And when a stranger dwells with you and wants to keep the Passover to the Lord, let all his males be circumcised, and then let him come near and keep it, and he shall be as a native of the land. For no uncircumcised person shall eat it". -[Exodus 12:48].
And we know that the nonbelievers are not permitted to enter Mecca, where the Holy Mosque. It is said in the Qur'an, ... the idolaters are indeed unclean; so let them not come near the Holy Mosque ... Lo! Allah is Knower, Wise.-[9:28]
"Idolaters are not circumcised so they are unclean -for this reason, they are not permitted to enter a city [Mecca, the holy city of God] because it is holy?!?"
Oi, Buddy! This is not only Qur'an declares but also supported by the "Old Testament". Uncircumcised are not permitted to enter the sanctuary or even Jerusalem [another holy city of God]. Look at these verses-
"Thus says the Lord God: No foreigner, uncircumcised in his heart and uncircumcised in his flesh, shall enter into my sanctuary, nor any strangers who are among the children of Israel." -[Ezekiel 44:9]
"Awake, awake Zion: Put on your beautiful garments, O Jerusalem the holy city, for henceforth there shall no more come into you the uncircumcised and the unclean." -[Isaiah 52:1]
Social Value of a Circumcised Girl:
The practice is rooted in gender inequality, attempts to control women's sexuality, and ideas about purity, modesty, and aesthetics. It is usually initiated and carried out by women, who see it as a source of honor, and who fear that failing to have their daughters and granddaughters cut will expose the girls to social exclusion. It is because in some places [basically in Arabs] "son of an uncircumcised mother" is used to insult someone whose mother [see the case of ibn al-Barra] was not circumcised.
Ex.-1: A group of Sudanese high school girls going back to their homes after classes. Then a girl called her friend,-"Ya, Mutmura!" -Naming the target of the taunt- "As the underground grain storage pit that is opened and closed, opened and closed, just as the scar tissue is for birth and re-infibulation?"
A girl from the Arab-Sudanese ethnic group that performs infibulations mocked, calling her, "Ya, Ghalfa! (Hey, unclean!)." -As that girl among one of them, those do not circumcise their girls [Though both girls from their own group and from the Zabarma].
Ex.-2: Some mothers from the non-infibulating Zabarma group told that their daughters had begun to respond to the pressure by asking to be circumcised, needling their mothers with comments like- "What’s the matter? Don’t we have razor blades like the Arabs?".
Is God Allowed Woman to Ratify the Agreement?
If “personal” circumcision was necessary for establishing a relationship with God, then obviously we have a problem with women entering into covenant with Him on this basis.
Bible says- At a lodging place on the way, the Lord met Moses and was about to kill him. But Zipporah took a flint knife, cut off her son’s foreskin, and touched Moses’ feet with it. “Surely you are a bridegroom of blood [referring to circumcision] to me,” she said. So the Lord let him alone. -[Exodus 4:24-26].
This passage indicates that Moses's wife, Zipporah, balked at the idea and refused to allow her sons to be circumcised. Because of her reluctance, God confronted Moses and demanded that all who were under His blessing and protection must observe the covenant through circumcision. God will not allow a person to live under the covenant blessings and protections of another.
Again, here God apparently allowed a woman to ratify the agreement through her obedience in permitting the male children of her household to be circumcised. It is to be noted that- "Nowhere in all of Scripture or in any of recorded history is there even a hint that women were to be circumcised."
That is why a woman says the blessing, each morning, "Blessed are You, Hashem, King of the universe, Who has made me according to His will."
"Lo!! Women are made according to G-d's will, but man is not!!!"
So, a Jewish woman explains, "Man needs a woman for completion, man needs circumcision for elevation, but a woman needs nothing except what is within her, which was granted her by G-d. Man cannot say that G-d has made him according to G-d's will. G-d's will, in this case, is something that man must complete".
Female Circumcision in Hadiths and Islamic Literature:
There is a lot of controversy on the issue of female circumcision. It is prohibited by law in most Western Countries since they consider it a horrendous and cruel procedure that women are forced to suffer despite the fact behind circumcision. It has a long tradition that dates back even to the time of the Pharaohs [even to the first human on earth] that we already said. Today circumcision is performed by people of different religious backgrounds and is termed differently in a different area.
According to Sami A. Aldeeb Abu Sahlieh, a Palestinian-Swiss specialist in Islamic law: The most often mentioned narration reports a debate between Muhammed and Um Habibah (or Um Atiyyah). This woman, known as an exciser of female slaves, was one of a group of women who had immigrated with Muhammed. Having seen her, Muhammad asked her if she kept practicing her profession. She answered affirmatively, adding: "Unless it is forbidden, and you order me to stop doing it."
Muhammad replied: "Yes, it is allowed. Come closer so I can teach you: if you cut, do not overdo it, because it brings more radiance to the face, and it is more pleasant for the husband."
Abu Sahlieh further cited Muhammad as saying, "Circumcision is a Sunna (tradition) for the men and makruma (honorable deed) for the women."
The Classic Manual of Islamic Law ‘Umdat al-Salik by Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri (d. 769/1368) tr. by Nuh Ha Mim Keller. In this book, in the section titled "THE BODY", we find on page 59 the following entry:
e4.3 Circumcision is Obligatory.
On commentary, Sheikh 'Umar Barakat comments- "obligatory for both men and women; for men, it consists of removing the prepuce from the penis, and for women, removing the prepuce of the clitoris. Hanbalis hold that circumcision of women is not obligatory but Sunna, while Hanafis consider it a mere courtesy to the husband and the Shafi’i law, given by ‘Umdat al-Salik, that circumcision of girls by excision of the clitoris is mandatory. This particular form of female circumcision is widely practiced in Egypt, where the Shafi’i school of Sunni law is followed."
So, what to say in the conclusion?
"Hu, what to?"
It is that If those social workers labeled "Female Circumcision"- a "Ritualistic Practice" as "FGM [Female Genital Mutilation]", then we may say they do it either from their "IGNORANCE" or, it is purely intentional to make it appear as a criminal act in the eyes of the "ignorant general mass" for using their anger and hate against those practitioner.
Now, if they are doing this without the knowledge or intentionally for motivating a group of people against another, then we have to label their deeds as "BAD PRACTICES" which is always harmful to a "CIVILIZED SOCIETY".
We appreciate people who are wise, properly educated, truthful in their works and deeds, and against all kinds of IGNORANCE. Thus we need to light on this subject, so that parents may know the facts and be able to decide for themselves what they need to do for their beloved child.
We respect people and their rituals. But surely against all the bad practices of our scholars, because that is harmful for the civilization and for mankind.
This is the 21st century- an era of science and technology and reasoning. Yet we find Scholars [those are in the teaching profession in the universities- a group of them having blind faith in their own religion without proof, without truth while another (mostly Atheist) suffering "lack of knowledge" or bother to proof or reasoning] are shouting against them those are religious and have ritualistic practices, this is really shameful. However, what we are saying-
We understand, "Female Circumcision" needs to promote the modification of old practices for better health care, and no doubt ‘medicalization’ will lessen risks. Surely, traditional practices affect the health of women and children, thus, we have to allow medical professionals to perform this practice in their offices rather than allowing patients to seek out minimally trained midwives in an unhygienic way. It is preferable to infibulation since lesser surgeries offer ‘harm reduction’ desirable under some public health perspectives circumstances. International organizations such as the Organization of African Unity, the World Health Organization [WHO], and UNICEF, may utilize more effective organizing and educational methods than in the past.
The End.
Not Yet Fully Corrected.
Q & A
# "We need to light on this subject, so that "parents may know the facts""What fact do you actually mean by this?"
In short- "Severity of the crime to be uncircumcised in the eyes of God."
Look, if you killed a million innocent people, then you still have a chance to get a ticket to heaven after proper punishment in hell for your crime, but you will never be awarded a ticket to heaven if you are among the people who are uncircumcised.
"Why is that?"
Because Adam took that "oath" while he was in heaven [Paradise], which is created with a sweet promise- "Paradise, a place where everything [any wish, any demand] will be fulfilled." Thus the oath must need to be fulfilled. Any question?
"Yeah, there is a question, bro, why all the porn-star are circumcised? It means that they all belong to the Jews and Muslims. But I am curious to know, why only those are fit for that kind of Job, I mean for a pornographic career? Would you pl. explain?"
Fuck you, now, is there any more question?
"Umm... no, I am thinking."
About what?
"Oi, that some people asked in an innocent style- "why do they do that?""
Still? Hahaha, oh God!!!.... ok, then you have to listen to what ibn-Qayyum al-Jawziyyah mentioned for legalizing circumcision.
"What is that?"
It is that hiding inside the bush of pubic hair Devil blows in the penis and the vagina of the uncircumcised more than in those of the circumcised. Clear?
"Yeah, I am fully clear now. But it is not in my understanding..."
"The difference between FGM & FC."
Really? Hahaha......oh! This is funny, however, it can be defined as- "When a non-believer or Atheist family circumcises their woman then it will be treated as FGM [must be considered as a crime and shall be punished] otherwise it is FC [ritualistic practice and shall never be considered as a crime]."
"Atheist family and circumcision!?! Oh my God!! Ok, then it's my turn to say- "This [FGM] is really a funny thing.""
# Dear reader how much did you learn from this article? Enough? If yes, then we have an easy question for you-
Find the condition on which Heaven is bound to issue a visa for an uncircumcised woman.
All we know is that Adam, the first man, eat the fruit forbidden by God in paradise, his flesh rebelled against the spirit; whereupon he swore, saying: "By God, I will cut thee!"
And having broken a piece of rock, he seized his flesh to cut it with the sharp edge of the stone: whereupon he was rebuked by the angel Gabriel. And he answered: "I have sworn by God to cut it; I will never be a liar!"
'Then the angel showed him the superfluity of his flesh, and that he cut off. And hence, just as every man taketh flesh from the flesh of Adam, so is he bound to observe all that Adam promised with an oath. This did Adam observe in his sons, and from generation to generation came down the "Obligation of Circumcision".
"What about Eve, did she perform this circumcision?"
Was she under an oath, or, descended from Adam?
So logically it was not obligatory for her to be circumcised.
"I see!!!"
However, from the above, it is clear that men are obliged to be circumcised but nothing tells about women. Even it is told here that Adam observes it in his sons, and from generation to generation came down the obligation of circumcision but nowhere mention of women. Sometimes it happened considering the logic that as women are under the control of men, they need not be mentioned separately. And we conclude here with another logic "As men and women both taketh flesh from the flesh of Adam, both of them bound to observe all that Adam promised with an oath".
Yet there are some different meanings and motivations for Female Circumcision. Actually, circumcision for women describes as an ‘entrenched’ and ‘deeply-rooted’ tradition, practiced from the ancient periods in parts of the World. Much of the existing literature conveniently overlooks the dynamic cultural, political, and historical contexts of the various types of Circumcision performed by different religions in widely varying contexts.
i). In some African cultures, it has some aesthetic values. They believe that by cutting off ‘male’ parts, one becomes fully female and feminine, making her smooth and beautiful.
ii). To some- it is symbolically vital for social consequences for marriageability.
iii). And to some- It is a tradition to infibulate their female, considering that it establishes both a girl’s reputation for morality and the family’s honor in protecting her morality. [The term infibulation derives from the fibula, Latin for clasp; the Ancient Romans reportedly fastened clasps through the foreskins or labia of slaves to prevent sexual intercourse. The surgical infibulation of women came to be known as Pharaonic Circumcision in Sudan but as Sudanese circumcision in Egypt. In Somalia, it is known simply as Qodob ie. "to sew up"].
iv). And to some- Infibulation has symbolic values, such as the ‘Enclosure’ of the body, to be ready for future socially-approved reproduction.
v). And to some- Parents circumcised their females to deprive them of their sexuality, so that they may able to keep themselves apart from the illegal sexual relationship which makes a soul unclean and is a great Sin in the Eyes of God.
vi). Some of them explain- "Women circumcise only the part that produces pungent odor". Others added to this, "Which attract Jinns, and ...they make them horny, ...and influenced them for a perversion, ...and when Jinns shall live with someone for a long time, she becomes abnormal."
vii). Some try to justify this, saying- We do it for the sake of our child so that they may not perish eternally, and they may have a chance to enter into Paradise. You know, it is said in the Holy Scripture [Gospel of Barnabas] that an uncircumcised shall never enter into Paradise.
viii). Some traditional rural midwives consider that narrowing of the opening with infibulation and re-infibulation after childbirth will make it more pleasurable for her husband. And you know, the position of the husband to a woman! He is like gods [to Hindu women] or next to God [to Muslim women].
ix). Femininity ideals are reinforced by aesthetic values- such as it eliminating masculine parts and achieving smoothness and beauty. And the image of physical beauty and sensuality is valued much socially.
The interaction between the practitioner [raw fundamentalist] and the opposer of female circumcision is more exciting and hugely entertaining. We giving you a sample for your refreshment to this boring article:
i). Those who oppose, say- ‘Do you know why they circumcised their women? Basically, it is due to male dominance. They dominate their female.'
And, those practices, reply- "The rite is the proper complement of male circumcision, evening the sensitiveness of the genitories by reducing it equally in both sexes, then why are they arguing? Actually, they argue, we think it is only because they consider women as F..king Machines and they want this machine available in the market so that they may enjoy them nearly free of cost as and when needed basis. Actually, they want to make our society rotten with polygamy as that of theirs."
ii). Those who oppose, say- "The fact is, those midwives are not doing it as a public service. They support these practices from the fear of losing their economic benefits. Generally, they benefited, sometimes with fees or gifts [such as soap or scents and a share of the meat from the animal sacrificed for the feast, as well as other foods.] from each operation". And most of all they bear their own opinion as- "One should lynch the fathers who were opposed to the circumcision of their daughters, because those fathers were in fact willing to see their girls become whores." -Can you imagine!!"
And, those practices, replies, "They do not demand a fee for the operation as that of a doctor of this day. They only received what you give them thankfully. And for the case of imagination- you better imagine that your 9yr old teen daughter gets pregnant, or, your beloved wife red-handed with your driver in your bed."
iii). Those who oppose, say, "Psychological studies clarify how the pain and fear associated with Circumcision affect women. You see, Laden, Taliban, and ISIS all are the products of their Women."
And, those practices, replies, "Then how do they explain the birth of Hitler, who killed 30 million Jews, or, Jesuits, who killed 13 million in Europe only? Or, the Burmese Buddhist Monk those still learning- "Killing a living being is the Greatest Sin", yet chopping Rohingya women and babies, or, burning them in their sleeping and in a broad daylight- publicly?
And, for Laden, evil ISIS, we have a question, tell us- How are they born? Who nurtured their homeland with bombs and sophisticated weapons to fertile their land with their child's blood to grow plenty of ISIS?
iv). Those who oppose, say, "The world wonders how loving parents can allow their daughters to be held down and cut, usually causing fear, pain, and possible major damage to health and physical functions. It seems incongruous and shocking to imagine a six-year-old girl enduring such pain and indignity, particularly at the hands of those she trusts. Yet an estimated 2 million girls experience some form of this harmful practice each year."
And, those practices, replies as that of the opposer, "The world wonders how the parents allow them not to circumcise their beloved daughters fearing a little pain of few days, which surely be the cause of eternal burning of severe pain of the Hellfire. It seems incongruous and shocking to imagine their beloved kid enduring burning pain and indignity, particularly for the cause of those she trusts. Yet an estimated more than 2 million girls out of this simple practice of greatest eternal benefits each year."
v). Social workers, the Western feminist group often responded with outrage- labeled the tradition as ‘Barbaric Customs’ or a ‘Trivialization of Culture’ of ‘Reasons’.
And, those practices, replied them, "Who is labeling this culture as barbaric? Western feminists, those who are enjoying "Sexual Liberty"? Whore and ethics?!? Oh no!! Man, we do not want to learn "Ethics" from some "Whore" women to make our society like theirs.
And, surely, we are the witness of the "Final Products" from the so-called humanitarian field of the West, are not they "Licensed Homo, Licensed Lesbians and Licensed Sodomite"? When those perverted acts are considered as the "Greatest Crime" in the Eyes of God? The fact is that these acts labeled those horny people lower than the animal grade. Why are they unable to make sense that their "Perverted Acts" shall influence them, those are HUMAN, to throw stones at them as we often do to the street dogs? The truth is- all the "Barbaric Customs" were legalized [by law] in this world by the Westerner first.
vi). Human rights groups often condemned those doing such practice that causes reforms of the child forms which are a violation of human rights to the bodily integrity of the minor child. Nevertheless, the plurality of the practices and their great variation in harm, meaning, and reasons, and in cultural roots.
And, those practices, replied to them, 'Is this make any sense? Do they not see that -"Human came from evolution [from monkey]" -advertising through books also makes them criminal according to their belief?
Importance of Circumcision:
In the time of Abraham, there were but few circumcised upon the earth because that idolatry was multiplied up the earth. Whereupon God told to Abraham the fact concerning circumcision, and made this covenant, saying: "The soul that shall not have his flesh circumcised, I will scatter him from among my people forever." -[see Genesis 17:14]
It means, a man that hath not circumcised his foreskin, shall be deprived of paradise, and it's a promise of God. So it becomes a tradition so that people never forget what the flesh is.
The Flesh and its Origin:
Spirit in many is ready in the service of God, but the flesh is weak. The man, therefore, that feareth God ought to consider what the flesh is, where it had its origin, and whereto it shall be reduced. Of the clay of the earth created God's flesh, and into it, He breathed the breath of life, with an in breathing therein. And therefore when the flesh shall hinder the service of God it ought to be spurned like clay and trampled on, forasmuch as he that hateth his soul in this world shall keep it in life eternal.
What the flesh is at this present its desires make manifest -that it is a harsh enemy of all good: for it alone desireth sin. 'Ought then, man for the sake of satisfying one of his enemies to leave off pleasing God, his creator? Consider this. All the saints and prophets have been enemies of their flesh for service of God: wherefore readily and with gladness, they went to their death, so as not to offend against the law of God given by Moses his servant, and go and serve the false and lying gods.
And when we remember Elijah, we find he fled through desert places of the mountains, eating only grass, clad in goats' skin. But do we ever consider, how many days he supped not? how much cold he endured? how many showers drenched him? And [that] for the space of seven years, wherein endured that fierce persecution of the unclean Jezebel?
And when we remember Elisha, we find he ate barley bread and wore the Coarsest raiment. Verily we can say that those who were not feared to spurn the flesh were feared with great terror by the king and princes. This should suffice for the spurning of the flesh, but if we will gaze at the sepulchers, we shall know what the flesh is.'
Who are servants to their flesh, they are sure not to have any good in the other life but only torments for their sins. To explain this, we have to tell a story-
There was a rich glutton who paid no heed to aught but gluttony, and so every day held a splendid feast. There stood at his gate a poor man by the name Lazarus, who was full of wounds and was fain to have those crumbs that fell from the glutton's table. But no one gave them to him; nay, all mocked him. Only the dogs had pity on him, for they licked his wounds.
It came to pass that the poor man died, and the angels carried him to the arms of Abraham our father. The rich man also died, and the devils carried him to the arms of Satan; whereupon, undergoing the greatest torment, he lifted up his eyes and from afar saw Lazarus in the arms of Abraham. Then cried the rich man: "O father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, who upon his fingers may bring me a drop of water to cool my tongue, which is tormented in this flame."
Abraham answered: "Son, remember that thou receivedst thy good in the other life and Lazarus his evil; wherefore now thou shalt be in torment, and Lazarus in consolation."
The rich man cried out again, saying: "O father Abraham, in my house there are three brethren of mine. Therefore send Lazarus to announce to them how much I am suffering, in order that they may repent and not come hither."
Abraham answered: "They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them."
The rich man answered: "Nay, Father Abraham; but if one dead shall arise they will believe."
Abraham answered: "Who so believeth not Moses and the prophets will not believe even the dead if they should arise."
Thus we see that the poor are blessed, have patience, and only desire what is necessary, hating the flesh. And wretched they, who bear others to the burial, to give their flesh for food of worms and do not learn the truth. So far from it that they live here like immortals, for they build great houses and purchase great revenues and live in pride.
Those Uncircumcised, are Unclean:
Uncircumcised being a blemish, circumcision was to remove it, and to render Abraham and his descendants "perfect". -(Ned. 31b; Gen. R. xlvi., after Gen. xvii. 1)
In the Book of Jubilee, it is said: "Whosoever is uncircumcised belongs to 'the sons of Belial,' to 'the children of doom and eternal perdition'; for all the angels of the Presence and of the Glorification have been so from the day of their creation, and God's anger will be kindled against the children of the covenant if they make the members of their body appear like those of the Gentiles, and they will be expelled and exterminated from the earth" -[The Book of Jubilees, lv.-lx. iii. 190-192]
Circumcision was an indispensable act of consecration and purification. It is said in the Holy Books -
1. Remember that which David said to Saul, king of Israel, against Goliath the Philistine.: "My lord," said David, "While thy servant was keeping thy servant's flock there came the wolf, the bear, and the lion and seized thy servant's sheep: whereupon thy servant went and slew them, rescuing the sheep. And what is this Uncircumcised one but like unto them? Therefore will thy servant go in the name of the Lord God of Israel, and will slay this unclean one that blasphemeth the holy people of God."
2. When Jesus was near the Capernaum city, he cured a sick man possessed of devil Jinns. Accordingly, the men of the city came forth and found Jesus and the man that was healed. The men were filled with fear and prayed to Jesus that he would depart out of their borders. Jesus accordingly departed from them and went up into the parts of Tyre and Sidon.
And lo! a Canaanite woman came forth to find Jesus. Having therefore seen him come with his disciples, she cried out: 'Jesus, son of David, have mercy on my daughter. she is tormented of the devil Jinns!’
Jesus did not answer her or even said a single word. The disciples were moved to pity, and said: 'O master, have pity on her! Behold how much she cries out and weeps!'
Jesus answered: 'I am not sent but unto the Sons of Israel.'
Then the woman fell upon his feet, weeping and saying: 'Have mercy on me!'
Jesus answered: 'It is not good to take the bread from the children's hands and give it to the dogs.'
The woman had only a daughter and she was ready to save her at any cost. So, she was not angry but answered: 'O Lord, the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table.'
Jesus seized with admiration and said to the woman: 'Great is thy faith.'
And he raised his hands towards heaven he prayed to God that He may give what the poor woman needed. Then he said to her: 'Go thy way in peace.'
The woman departed.
On her departing, the disciples questioned Jesus, saying: 'O master, why didst thou make such answer to the woman, saying that they were dogs? Is that because they were unclean as they belong to the uncircumcised people?”
Though Jesus [he did not answer, but not disagree. So it is true that uncircumcised peoples are unclean.] said, "Actually, a dog is better than an uncircumcised man." To explain this, 1st we consider, what the dog doth, that hath no reason, for the service of his master, ye will find its true. Tell me, doth the dog guard the house of his master, and expose his life against the robber? Yea, assuredly. But what receiveth he? Many blows and injuries with little bread and he always showeth to his master a joyful countenance. Is this not true?'
Now, consider how much God hath given to man, and ye shall see how unrighteous he is in not observing the covenant of God made with Abraham his servant. So, what do you think, is not a Dog better than an uncircumcised man?
The Hebrew people became widely known for their practice of circumcision. The physical procedure was eventually associated with both the idea of spiritual purity and national pride. Nations such as the Philistines, who were outside of the covenant relationship with God, were referred to as the “uncircumcised”.
Thus it is said- "And when a stranger dwells with you and wants to keep the Passover to the Lord, let all his males be circumcised, and then let him come near and keep it, and he shall be as a native of the land. For no uncircumcised person shall eat it". -[Exodus 12:48].
And we know that the nonbelievers are not permitted to enter Mecca, where the Holy Mosque. It is said in the Qur'an, ... the idolaters are indeed unclean; so let them not come near the Holy Mosque ... Lo! Allah is Knower, Wise.-[9:28]
"Idolaters are not circumcised so they are unclean -for this reason, they are not permitted to enter a city [Mecca, the holy city of God] because it is holy?!?"
Oi, Buddy! This is not only Qur'an declares but also supported by the "Old Testament". Uncircumcised are not permitted to enter the sanctuary or even Jerusalem [another holy city of God]. Look at these verses-
"Thus says the Lord God: No foreigner, uncircumcised in his heart and uncircumcised in his flesh, shall enter into my sanctuary, nor any strangers who are among the children of Israel." -[Ezekiel 44:9]
"Awake, awake Zion: Put on your beautiful garments, O Jerusalem the holy city, for henceforth there shall no more come into you the uncircumcised and the unclean." -[Isaiah 52:1]
Social Value of a Circumcised Girl:
The practice is rooted in gender inequality, attempts to control women's sexuality, and ideas about purity, modesty, and aesthetics. It is usually initiated and carried out by women, who see it as a source of honor, and who fear that failing to have their daughters and granddaughters cut will expose the girls to social exclusion. It is because in some places [basically in Arabs] "son of an uncircumcised mother" is used to insult someone whose mother [see the case of ibn al-Barra] was not circumcised.
Ex.-1: A group of Sudanese high school girls going back to their homes after classes. Then a girl called her friend,-"Ya, Mutmura!" -Naming the target of the taunt- "As the underground grain storage pit that is opened and closed, opened and closed, just as the scar tissue is for birth and re-infibulation?"
A girl from the Arab-Sudanese ethnic group that performs infibulations mocked, calling her, "Ya, Ghalfa! (Hey, unclean!)." -As that girl among one of them, those do not circumcise their girls [Though both girls from their own group and from the Zabarma].
Ex.-2: Some mothers from the non-infibulating Zabarma group told that their daughters had begun to respond to the pressure by asking to be circumcised, needling their mothers with comments like- "What’s the matter? Don’t we have razor blades like the Arabs?".
Is God Allowed Woman to Ratify the Agreement?
If “personal” circumcision was necessary for establishing a relationship with God, then obviously we have a problem with women entering into covenant with Him on this basis.
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Traditional surgical apparatus for female circumcision. |
This passage indicates that Moses's wife, Zipporah, balked at the idea and refused to allow her sons to be circumcised. Because of her reluctance, God confronted Moses and demanded that all who were under His blessing and protection must observe the covenant through circumcision. God will not allow a person to live under the covenant blessings and protections of another.
Again, here God apparently allowed a woman to ratify the agreement through her obedience in permitting the male children of her household to be circumcised. It is to be noted that- "Nowhere in all of Scripture or in any of recorded history is there even a hint that women were to be circumcised."
That is why a woman says the blessing, each morning, "Blessed are You, Hashem, King of the universe, Who has made me according to His will."
"Lo!! Women are made according to G-d's will, but man is not!!!"
So, a Jewish woman explains, "Man needs a woman for completion, man needs circumcision for elevation, but a woman needs nothing except what is within her, which was granted her by G-d. Man cannot say that G-d has made him according to G-d's will. G-d's will, in this case, is something that man must complete".
Female Circumcision in Hadiths and Islamic Literature:
There is a lot of controversy on the issue of female circumcision. It is prohibited by law in most Western Countries since they consider it a horrendous and cruel procedure that women are forced to suffer despite the fact behind circumcision. It has a long tradition that dates back even to the time of the Pharaohs [even to the first human on earth] that we already said. Today circumcision is performed by people of different religious backgrounds and is termed differently in a different area.
According to Sami A. Aldeeb Abu Sahlieh, a Palestinian-Swiss specialist in Islamic law: The most often mentioned narration reports a debate between Muhammed and Um Habibah (or Um Atiyyah). This woman, known as an exciser of female slaves, was one of a group of women who had immigrated with Muhammed. Having seen her, Muhammad asked her if she kept practicing her profession. She answered affirmatively, adding: "Unless it is forbidden, and you order me to stop doing it."
Muhammad replied: "Yes, it is allowed. Come closer so I can teach you: if you cut, do not overdo it, because it brings more radiance to the face, and it is more pleasant for the husband."
Abu Sahlieh further cited Muhammad as saying, "Circumcision is a Sunna (tradition) for the men and makruma (honorable deed) for the women."
The Classic Manual of Islamic Law ‘Umdat al-Salik by Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri (d. 769/1368) tr. by Nuh Ha Mim Keller. In this book, in the section titled "THE BODY", we find on page 59 the following entry:
e4.3 Circumcision is Obligatory.
On commentary, Sheikh 'Umar Barakat comments- "obligatory for both men and women; for men, it consists of removing the prepuce from the penis, and for women, removing the prepuce of the clitoris. Hanbalis hold that circumcision of women is not obligatory but Sunna, while Hanafis consider it a mere courtesy to the husband and the Shafi’i law, given by ‘Umdat al-Salik, that circumcision of girls by excision of the clitoris is mandatory. This particular form of female circumcision is widely practiced in Egypt, where the Shafi’i school of Sunni law is followed."
So, what to say in the conclusion?
"Hu, what to?"
It is that If those social workers labeled "Female Circumcision"- a "Ritualistic Practice" as "FGM [Female Genital Mutilation]", then we may say they do it either from their "IGNORANCE" or, it is purely intentional to make it appear as a criminal act in the eyes of the "ignorant general mass" for using their anger and hate against those practitioner.
Now, if they are doing this without the knowledge or intentionally for motivating a group of people against another, then we have to label their deeds as "BAD PRACTICES" which is always harmful to a "CIVILIZED SOCIETY".
We appreciate people who are wise, properly educated, truthful in their works and deeds, and against all kinds of IGNORANCE. Thus we need to light on this subject, so that parents may know the facts and be able to decide for themselves what they need to do for their beloved child.
We respect people and their rituals. But surely against all the bad practices of our scholars, because that is harmful for the civilization and for mankind.
This is the 21st century- an era of science and technology and reasoning. Yet we find Scholars [those are in the teaching profession in the universities- a group of them having blind faith in their own religion without proof, without truth while another (mostly Atheist) suffering "lack of knowledge" or bother to proof or reasoning] are shouting against them those are religious and have ritualistic practices, this is really shameful. However, what we are saying-
We understand, "Female Circumcision" needs to promote the modification of old practices for better health care, and no doubt ‘medicalization’ will lessen risks. Surely, traditional practices affect the health of women and children, thus, we have to allow medical professionals to perform this practice in their offices rather than allowing patients to seek out minimally trained midwives in an unhygienic way. It is preferable to infibulation since lesser surgeries offer ‘harm reduction’ desirable under some public health perspectives circumstances. International organizations such as the Organization of African Unity, the World Health Organization [WHO], and UNICEF, may utilize more effective organizing and educational methods than in the past.
The End.
Not Yet Fully Corrected.
Q & A
# "We need to light on this subject, so that "parents may know the facts""What fact do you actually mean by this?"
In short- "Severity of the crime to be uncircumcised in the eyes of God."
Look, if you killed a million innocent people, then you still have a chance to get a ticket to heaven after proper punishment in hell for your crime, but you will never be awarded a ticket to heaven if you are among the people who are uncircumcised.
"Why is that?"
Because Adam took that "oath" while he was in heaven [Paradise], which is created with a sweet promise- "Paradise, a place where everything [any wish, any demand] will be fulfilled." Thus the oath must need to be fulfilled. Any question?
"Yeah, there is a question, bro, why all the porn-star are circumcised? It means that they all belong to the Jews and Muslims. But I am curious to know, why only those are fit for that kind of Job, I mean for a pornographic career? Would you pl. explain?"
Fuck you, now, is there any more question?
"Umm... no, I am thinking."
About what?
"Oi, that some people asked in an innocent style- "why do they do that?""
Still? Hahaha, oh God!!!.... ok, then you have to listen to what ibn-Qayyum al-Jawziyyah mentioned for legalizing circumcision.
"What is that?"
It is that hiding inside the bush of pubic hair Devil blows in the penis and the vagina of the uncircumcised more than in those of the circumcised. Clear?
"Yeah, I am fully clear now. But it is not in my understanding..."
"The difference between FGM & FC."
Really? Hahaha......oh! This is funny, however, it can be defined as- "When a non-believer or Atheist family circumcises their woman then it will be treated as FGM [must be considered as a crime and shall be punished] otherwise it is FC [ritualistic practice and shall never be considered as a crime]."
"Atheist family and circumcision!?! Oh my God!! Ok, then it's my turn to say- "This [FGM] is really a funny thing.""
# Dear reader how much did you learn from this article? Enough? If yes, then we have an easy question for you-
Find the condition on which Heaven is bound to issue a visa for an uncircumcised woman.
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The Book of Jubilee
The Gospel of Barnabas.
Bible, Old Testament.
Sexual Mutilations: A Human Tragedy.
A plain and literal translation of the Arabian Night- Vol-5, p-279.
Female Circumcision: Multicultural Perspectives.
The Female Circumcision Controversy: An Anthropological Perspective
A plain and literal translation of the Arabian Night- Vol-5, p-279.
Female Circumcision: Multicultural Perspectives.
The Female Circumcision Controversy: An Anthropological Perspective